Career Training

At Waterdogs SCUBA and Safety, our mission is to produce outstanding SCUBA professionals who surpass industry standards. Through our intensive professional programs, graduates emerge ready to teach courses, guide students and certified divers, work on dive charter boats, work in a dive shop or resort, assist with Public Safety dives, and even begin their own business. Our goal is to graduate students with a professional education that exceeds ISO industry standards, creating working divers that are in high demand worldwide.  


Our Programs

Our programs are accessible to divers and non-divers alike. Through our programs, students of all experience levels can be trained to be dive professionals. Students are required to provide transcripts from higher education for evaluation. All students including public safety, active-duty military, and former military personnel are eligible for credit considerations based upon documentation of their previous dive-related learning experiences and any dive agency certification cards they hold.

Basic SCUBA Instructor Programs:

  • FIT (Fundamentals of Instructor Training)
  • Dive Professional
  • Divemaster
  • SCUBA Instructor

Advanced SCUBA Programs:

  • Technical Deep Instructor
  • Public Safety Diver Instructor Preparation

Technician Programs:

  • Cylinder Technician
  • Fill Station Operator
  • Trimix Gas Blender Instructor Preparation

Frequently Asked Questions

How and where do I sign up?
To sign up, please call (931) 389-3483 or visit Waterdogs SCUBA and Safety LLC (if using VA/GI Bill please see below).

What do I need to do before I start my first class?

  • Visit the Forms Section and complete the enrollment paperwork and the Medical Form enclosed with your student package. (This must be signed by a physician since you are entering into a professional program)
  • Schedule an appointment with our school SCO and bring all your paperwork, for VA students this will also include your Certificate of Eligibility. 
  • We are currently approved to use GI Bill® benefits for this program.

How do I sign up for VA/GI Bill® funding?

  • Apply for or transfer your VA/GI Bill® Benefits at When applying, the name of the school is Waterdogs SCUBA and Safety LLC.

Where can I go for more information about my VA/GI Bill® benefits?

Can I get college credit?

College credit is available for several courses.  However, if you plan to transfer the credit to another institution, please verify with the institution what credits will transfer what subject areas they will apply toward.**


Waterdogs Scuba and Safety LLC is authorized for operation as a postsecondary educational institution by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission

In order to view detailed job placement and graduation information on the programs offered by Waterdogs Scuba and Safety LLC, please visit

**Credits earned at Waterdogs Scuba and Safety LLC may not transfer to another educational institution. Credits earned at another educational institution may not be accepted by Waterdogs Scuba and Safety LLC. You should obtain confirmation that Waterdogs Scuba and Safety LLC will accept any credits you have earned at another educational institution before you execute an enrollment contract or agreement. You should also contact any educational institutions that you may want to transfer credits earned at Waterdogs Scuba and Safety LLC to determine if such institutions will accept credits earned at Waterdogs Scuba and Safety LLC prior to executing an enrollment contract or agreement. The ability to transfer credits from Waterdogs Scuba and Safety LLC to another educational institution may be very limited. Your credits may not transfer and you may have to repeat courses previously taken at Waterdogs Scuba and Safety LLC if you enroll in another educational institution. You should never assume that credits will transfer to or from any educational institution. It is highly recommended and you are advised to make certain that you know the transfer of credit policy of Waterdogs Scuba and Safety LLC and of any other educational institutions you may in the future want to transfer the credits earned at Waterdogs Scuba and Safety LLC before you execute an enrollment contract or agreement.

