Equipment Repair

We are fully equipped to handle almost any type of service or repairs that your equipment may need. All regulators are torn down and cleaned piece by piece. If there is something that we do not feel 100% comfortable doing in house, we have connections throughout the industry that can accomplish what may be needed. The goal of Waterdogs SCUBA is to put you in the best position to complete your diving. We provide some of the best service in the industry. While we do not claim to be "the best in the world" at servicing every item on the market today; the service that we do provide is always the best it can be. If we are not factory trained on the gear personally, we do not hesitate to send your gear to some of our dearest friends who are.

Annual inspection on regulators,  $30 (1st & 2nd  stages N/C for  Octo)
Regulators are leak tested, primary seals are lubricated, unit is tested to manufacturer's specifications for interstitial pressure, flow rates and cracking pressure (inhalation efforts) and adjusted if necessary.

Total Regulator Overhaul (biannual)
$ 40 per stage, plus parts, for 14-business-day service turn-around, or...
$ 60 per stage, plus parts, for 5-business-day service turn-around, or...
$ 80 extra per stage, plus parts, for 3-business-day service turnaround.
For this, we completely disassemble the regulator and clean all of the parts as prescribed by the manufacturer. We then reassemble the regulator, replacing the warranty parts (typically this includes, but may not be limited to, filter, valve seats, and dynamic O-rings), and inspecting all of the components. Once reassembled, the regulator is tuned to the manufacturer's specifications for interstitial pressures, flow rates, and cracking pressure (inhalation effort).

Visual (Annual) Inspection of scuba cylinder, $35. An 18 point inspection of the tank. Includes air fill.
Scuba cylinder hydrostatic test (every 5 years), 8 inch or larger, $60; less than 8 inch, $50. Includes visual inspection.
K-Valve Overhaul (every 5 years, same as Hydro), $30 plus parts.
Tank tumble, $25 per tumbling session.
Cylinder Oxygen Cleaning, $50 plus parts, and a 7-day service turn-around is typical, (includes Visual Inspection)
Depth Pressure Testing, $20 Verify your gauges, small cameras, watches, or computers will perform properly.
Air Fills $8 Includes paint ball tanks.
General Shop Work $20/hr.  Plus parts. ie, Battery replacement, Hose replacement, Accessory installs, etc...

